Shedd aquarium, a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization, gratefully acknowledges the sustaining contributions of the people of chicago, state of illinois and chicago park district. shedd is an accredited member of the association of zoos and aquariums, a smithsonian affiliate, and humane conservation certified by american humane.. Free days, free admissions, reduced admissions information for tourists and visitors of shedd aquarium.. Shedd aquarium was the first inland aquarium with a permanent saltwater fish collection. located on lake michigan, it is located on the museum campus chicago, which it shares with the adler planetarium and the field museum of natural history. in 2015, the aquarium had 2.02 million visitors..
This week i went the shedd aquarium on one of their free illinois resident days! funny story though… we didn’t know it was a discount day until we were already halfway through the (massive) line outside… whoops! it was great getting in for free, but the line was crazy long and it was super crowded […]. Illinois resident free days illinois residents enjoy free admission to shedd aquarium on select free days throughout the year! see the next illinois resident free days. please note: a $3 transaction fee applies to illinois free day tickets reserved online. this helps ensure access to as many neighbors as possible by validating orders. museums. Chicago museums free admission days 2015. tweet. 2015 but you may want to call ahead if you are going later in the year as dates are always subject to change. shedd aquarium. free general.
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